Here's a chance for you show off your photographs! If you have species Primula pictures, especially of primulas in the wild, please consider submitting them for identification and display in the Species Gallery.
Photographers retain all copyrights to their material. Please do not submit photos that are owned by someone else. I retain the right to include photos or not, and to digitally alter photos for display. Since this site is for scientific purposes and is non-commercial, no monetary remuneration can be made to photographers. Multiple photos of any one species may be displayed including habitat photos.
How do I submit
Send an short email to Pam
Eveleigh saying you will be sending an email with picture attachments, so I
don't accidentally think it is spam.
All photos must be accompanied
by the following information:
1. Photographers Name
2. Photographers e-mail address
(indicate if you wish to be linked on the photographers page)
3. Photographers website address,
facebook page, etc (if you wish it to be linked on the photographers page)
4. Primula Name, if known
5. Location where photo was taken
- GPS coordinates are preferred, if available.
** I prefer the original file size, as this allows me to study and see identifying features of species. I post a smaller sized version to the website with your copyright on the image.
Images can be sent via email as I have high-speed internet. Please realize that these files may take awhile to send via e-mail and if you are sending lots of pictures then you should use multiple e-mails. If you have a large number of digital images, consider sending me the images on a file sharing website, such as Dropbox. I use Adobe Lightroom to catalogue images, and some photo editing programs strip all date and other information from the image, so please avoid editing your images. For rare species, even images that are under exposed or out-of-focus may show features that are interesting to study. These images won't be posted to the website but are very welcome.