
Hi, my name is Pam Eveleigh
and I am a primula and alpine gardening enthusiast living in
Canada. I am a founding member of the Calgary Rock and Alpine Garden
Society (CRAGS) and I have served
on the Board of Directors for the
Primrose Society.
interests center around hiking, mountaineering, photography and travel with my
husband and two boys. The
alpine flowers that I noticed and photographed as a child while hiking with my
own parents, led me to an
interest in alpine gardening. More on my passion for photography can be found
Primula World started as a response to my own need. I finally admitted
I was addicted to primulas when I could not longer deny that most of my seed
selections were primulas and that I had quite a collection
of them in the garden. Every
time a seed list came out, I was searching for primula pictures in books to see what
the plants on offer looked like. In 2000, I though to computerize this
search by scanning Primula pictures onto my
computer. I realized that this would be a useful tool for other gardeners,
so Primula World was born. Since that time I have had lots of support from
many primula enthusiasts and my interest has gone even deeper into the
detailed identification of primulas.

Most of my plants are grown from seed obtained from seed exchanges and
wild seed collecting expeditions. All my plants are grown in the garden,
including traditional alpine-house species like P. allionii. For crevice and
raised beds, I use a local black slate rock, called "Rundle rock", tufa and
some sandstone. Though I have over 30
small hypertufa troughs, best results are obtained with fish box
troughs in my dry climate. You can learn more about how I grow primulas

Calgary has an undeserved reputation as a challenging gardening climate.
Detailed weather statistics for Calgary can be found
here, but generally we have intense sunshine and low humidity. In summer we
have cool nights that the plants love and in winter we contend with Chinooks
that the plants hate.
Chinooks are warm winds that can
evaporate snow cover in a day and raise the temperature 30˚C in a few hours.
To see a picture of the distinctive Chinook arch,
click here.
Here are some Primula
species that I grow:
algida, allionii,
albenensis, alpicola, angustifolia, auricula, auriculata, calderiana, capitata, chionantha,
clusiana, cortusoides, cusickiana, denticulata, deorum,
dryadifolia, elatior, eximia, fasciculata, glaucescens, halleri, hirsuta,
incana, integrifolia, involucrata, japonica, juliae, kisoana, kitaibeliana, latifolia,
longipes, luteola, macrophylla, magellanica, marginata, maximowiczii,
minima, mistassinica, modesta, mollis, moupinensis, nivalis, obtusifolia,
palmata, pamirica, parryi, polyneura, pulchella, rosea, rusbyi,
scandinavica, scotica, sharmae, sieboldii, sikkimensis,
spectabilis, specuicola, suffrutescens, tosaensis,
turkestanica, tyrolensis, veris, vialii, warshenewskiana, wulfeniana, zambalensis ...
and more!
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Thank you for visiting
Primula World. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to
send them to me. I would be happy to answer them by
Copyright Pam Eveleigh
©2008, All Rights