The name has been corrected from P. sherriffae to P. sherriffiae according to the IAPT code 60C as the epithet honours a woman. This species is easily distinguished by 2-7 pale violet, farinose flowers with very long and slender tubes held on scapes 4-7cm. tall. Leaves are hairy and narrowly obovate. P. sherriffiae has been found at two disjunct locations: one in Bhutan and the other in Manipur. Also listed by the Flora of China as found in SE Tibet. P. ludlowii was found at the same location and at the same time as P. sherriffiae and is a smaller plant with solitary flowers without farina on the corolla and with fine hairs on the inside and outside of the tube. Recent images of this species in the wild indicate it may be distinct. See related: P. ludlowii and P. siphonantha.
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