Found only once on the Peru (Pero) La, SE Tibet, near to Paizhen, it was accidentally collected with P. genesteriana. It is similar to P. subularia, but differs in leaf shape (not as narrowly linear), in calyx shape (campanulate) and is generally smaller in size. P. praetermissa is efarinose, leaves oblanceolate to spathulate, tapering into a winged petiole, broadly obtuse at the apex, margin entire or occasionally 1-3 toothed. Scape short (3mm) wiht a single homostylous bluish-purple emarginate flower with the mouth loosely filled with white hairs. Calyx campanulate, parted to middle into triangular and obtuse lobes. If you have an image of this species, please contact the webmaster. 如果你有这个物种的图像,请与网站管理员联系。