Originally described as P. nutans, this name was previously used by Georgi (Bemerk. Reise Russ. Reich 1: 200. 1775 ) so this species was renamed as P. flaccida. I am not certain if the name P. nutans ssp penduliflora was validly published (see KEW specimen K000750111 ). Distinguished by the compact spike of blue to violet flowers with the scape 10-50cm tall. The efarinose, elliptic to broadly oblanceolate leaves have multicellular hairs on both surfaces and especially the midrib below. See related species P. spicata and P. siamensis. The last image is a garden hybrid between P. flaccida (Section Soldanelloides) and P. vialii (Section Muscarioides) which R. B. Cain says was called P. x vantana by George Sherriff (Bull. AGS 31:34. 1963.) This name is nom. nudum as it was not validily published. If you have images of this species from Guizhou, please contact the webmaster.