Can be difficult to tell from small forms of P. denticulata but distinguished by being evergreen, lacking basal bud scales (but may have the remains of old foliage at the base) and by having a white eye. Leaves elliptic to oblong or spathulate, rounded to obtuse at the apex, tapering at the base into a short or obsolete petiole (sometimes can be as long as the blade), margin denticulate, both sides with minutely scabrid glandular hairs, occasionally white or yellow farinose below. Scape 1-15cm, elongating to 30(-45)cm in fruit, farinose at the apex with a capitate umbel of few to many mauve or pale blue-violet flowers (sometimes pink or white), with deeply emarginate lobes. Bracts linear-lanceolate, with an acute apex and a gibbose base. Calyx campanulate 5-7mm, glandular or sparcely farinose, often densely farinose inside, parted slightly below the middle into lanceolate lobes. This species has a wide distribution across the Himalaya. See related P. denticulata, also P. erosa, P. assamica, P. capitata.